Monday, November 14, 2011

{ Running with Annie - Week 2 of my C25K Experience }

Okay, so I officially completed week 2 of the Couch to 5K aka C25K  running training program by Cool Running. And there are a few things I discovered during Week 2---- Running with Annie is the best! and by this I mean Annie Lennox of the Eurythmics. (remind me to tell you how when thinking of names for my daughter, Annie was one of the top 5 b/c I think Annie Lennox is so awesome.)  Sweet Dreams is a great song for running. Right when I am in that phase of feeling my calves are on fire and my muscles feeling fatigued, Annie's powerful voice sings in through my earphones with "Sweet Dreams are made of these..." and I think to myself how true that is. I know what my sweet dream is in terms of fitness and health and if this is what sweet dreams are made of then I will run on...."Keep your head up. Movin' On. Hold your head up. Movin' on."
Another thing I learned during week 2 of the C25K program is that  Week 1 really did prepare me for Week 2. Even when I think I can't do the increased run time, I do it, and then I think, "Wow, that wasn't so bad."
Finally, I also learned that a great scenery can do wonders. I am blest to live in a very visually appealing nature-filled neighborhood and area. During Day 2 of Week 2, I decided to train alongside the St. John's River after dropping off my daughter at her school. It was a crisp cold morning. The scenery, the air, and running to the voice of Annie Lennox made for a great workout and for the most part, I was able to ignore the "just let me melt into jello on the pavement" feeling in my legs. I LOVE the C25K program!
 By the way, Sweet Dreams is also what's playing on my Virtual Victrola . It is my song for you. Don't forget to turn off my playlist on bottom of this page before listening to my Virtual Victrola

Sealed with a Kiss, Kirsten

Friday, November 11, 2011

{ This Moment }

{This Moment} ---. A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savour and remember.  

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Inspired by  SouleMama  

Sealed with a Kiss, Kirsten

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

{ De Colores }

Yes, I know it's over. But, I am still playing catch up on my photos of the Dia de los Muertos masks my daughter and I made. I love all the colors and the flowers involved with this celebration and it makes me think of the song De Colores which my parents often played when I was growing up.

We painted the masks white and then added lots of color, gems, and flowers to make them look very Dia de los Muertos style.

For the month of October, we set up a fun colorful Dia de los Muertos table. 

In addition to the masks, we made Dia de los Muertos coffins which we decorated with flowers and glitter and of course lots of colorful paints. Saylor used her imagination and wrote things like, "Flora Chiquita" and "Beautiful Soul" on the coffins.

Sealed with a Kiss, Kirsten

Monday, November 7, 2011

{ Starting Out with Couch to 5K }

You know how sometimes either you or some outside source lights a fire under your butt to get you motivated to make a change? Well, my buns are burning and so are my legs for that matter because I have started the Couch to 5K running program by Cool Running. The C25K plan is a really great training program to get a beginner like me from the couch and turned into 5K running material in 9 weeks.
Let me give you a brief synopsis of my running history. There is none. I have no running experience. Zip, Zilch, Zero, Nada. See I told you it was brief. BUT, I have always wanted TO BE a runner.  However, anytime I tried I would get those darn side cramps right below my ribs and I'd be quick to throw in the towel. Nevertheless, I'd always admire those who could run and would wish that running was part of my identity. Fast forward years later to now and the fire that has been lit under my butt. I am done with complaining about the extra pounds I wanna get rid of. I am done with promises made to myself about food and clothes and the roller coaster of dieting. I want to see changes. I want to take pictures with my daughter and not worry about sucking in. I want to be healthy and fit. I want to go into the new, I want to RUN into the new year as a stronger and leaner version of my current self. I want...NEED this change and hopefully be able to pin a number tag on my chest and actually run my very first 5K.
Sooooo, here is a pic I took of day one of my first week starting the C25K trainging program. I just finished week 1 today... or as the lingo goes-- I finished W1D3 which means week 1 day 3. ....and guess what?!?!? Not a single side cramp! This program which alternates between a series of timed runs and walks is something I wish I would have discovered long ago. It gets my heart beating heart and the effects of the 30 minute walk/run lasts me all day b/c I feel great!
I also downloaded the C25K phone app by Blue Fin and I love it! It notifies you via bell tones and a voice when to run/walk/run/walk and you can play music from your playlist. 
 I will be adding some posts about my C25K experiences and hopefully in the not too distance future a pic of me at my first 5K!

Sealed with a Kiss, Kirsten

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

{ Crafting for Dia de Los Muertos }

Got Flowers? Sure do! Used lots of them for our Dia de los Muertos masks which we painted and decorated.

I love these jars of colorful flowers. I found them at 
Michaels craft store. 
Lots of skeleton masks waiting for me and my daughter to paint them and jazz them up into Dia de Los Muertos masks.

Cracking up at a joke I made. Yes, she thinks her Mommy is funny.

We made masks all afternoon and although the sun was out, we were quite chilled and should have worn sweaters. But, despite the aprons, we still had a great deal of paint and glitter all over us and sweaters would have been ruined. I hope a cold and fever do not arrive in a few days. If so, I know she will be happy to stay home and get crafty all over again.

Sealed with a Kiss, Kirsten

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

{ Disco Dancer on the Victrola }

What's playing on my Virtual Victrola today? Death of a Disco Dancer by The Smiths. My daughter and I made coffins for Dia de los Muertos and this is one of the coffins I made. Yes, yes, I know, a bit cheezy. But, oh how I use to LOVE The Smiths and Morrissey during my high school days. Had you opened my locker in high school, you'd have found it covered in Morrissey posters. That was then and I still think Morrissey and the Smiths are awesome, but, no longer in that crazed-loved gladiolas b/c they were Morrissey's favorite flower-obsessed way. haha. If you are or once was a true Smith's fan, then you'd totally get the "Disco Dancer" part of the coffin.
But, if you weren't, then this is my cheezy ode to their song, Death of a Disco Dancer . (be sure to turn off my playlist at bottom of page before listening to my Virtual Victrola)

Sealed with a Kiss, Kirsten

{ All Saints Day }

...if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you. --- Matthew 17:20

I took this photo a few months ago at America's oldest Catholic church which is about 30 minutes from me, the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine, founded September 8, 1565 in St. Augustine, Florida which is also America's oldest city.

Sealed with a Kiss, Kirsten