Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Field Day-May 2009

David and I had an enjoyable afternoon. We went to go see Saylor at her school. Today was Field Day. A first for Saylor and quite memorable b/c it rained cats and dogs. Nevertheless, the kids had fun. David filled 100 water balloons the previous night for the 1st grade---a task I voluntered him for..hehehaha! Water Balloons + Pouring Rain = lots of soaked, but smiling kids. Due to the weather, the field day was cut a little short, but the kids had a blast. Saylor really enjoyed herself and is sleeping well tonight. I will be keeping an eye out for the first sign of a sore throat or runny nose---Knock on wood. I hope she doesn't get sick. Last week of school in mid-May and the temps over the last two days have dropped to 58-63 in the middle of the afternoon due to heavy cloud cover and non-stop pouring rain, thunder, lightning. We had wind gusts of up to 50 MPH. Tomorrow will be worse according to the weather news. Rain up until next Tuesday! However, as the streets flood and as branches and limbs continue to scatter the neighborhood, the 1st graders at Grace are giddy with excitment over the last week of school!

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