Monday, October 4, 2010



What a beautiful start to the week. Here are 8 things which made me happy this morning:

1. It's sweater weather! Woke up to the first official chilly morning of the Autumn season.

2. My daughter's 3rd grade class won a Pizza Party today for having the most of any class in attendance at the Skate Night Fundraiser. They are thrilled!

3. Did not yawn once during my Monday Women's Bible Study which means I had a good night's rest.

4. Coffee

5. I saw not one, but two, huge bald eagles this morning! I also saw one last week. 

6. A brand new lawn! We had our landscapers put all new grass in the front and backyard over the weekend. It looked so pretty and green when I walked outside this morning.

7. I found the book of stamps I thought I had lost.

8. Hearing Brown-Eyed Girl on the radio- a song which reminds me of my daughter-while driving her to school this morning.

Sealed with a Kiss, Kirsten

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